Something went wrong
  • Insufficient amount of funds on your card;

  • The card has expired;

  • Payment request by unauthorized payment gateway:

  • Most likely your card has CVV2 code verification disabled. contact your bank. You will be able to enable CVV2 code verification. The customer service phone number is usually indicated on the back of the card itself.

  • The transaction is not authorized by the issuing bank:

  • This message means that the bank that issued the card refused to pay. usually this is a total blocking of cards for settlements via the Internet and established limits. 90% of cards in Ukraine are issued with a set limit that prohibits purchases over the Internet. To resolve this issue, call your bank. The phone number is on the map itself. Usually on the back. By phone you can change the limits you need. Limits can limit both the very fact of payment via the Internet, and receive a one-time payment amount and receive a daily payment amount. Therefore, find out all the limits provided by payments via the Internet, and ask to set those that suit you.
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